Wifi Bee-ESP8266 with ESP-Link.
The module comes with an AT command interface. Use that to connect to your WiFi, eg switch in “BOOT” setting, serial at 115200 8N1 and use the command AT+CWJAP=”<SSID>”,”<PASSWORD>”. Module needs CRLF for line endings. Then disconnect the module. Prepare esptool.py command line eg “esptool.py –port /dev/tty.usbserial-A1017IE0 write_flash -fs 32m -ff 40m -fm qio 0x00000 boot_v1.6.bin 0x1000 user1.bin 0x3FC000 esp_init_data_default.bin 0x3FE000 blank.bin” (replacing serial port for the correct one for you), switch switch to UART, reconnect module and run the esptool.py command. It should flash successfully. Power off the module, switch switch back to BOOT, reconnect power and hopefully the module will boot and connect up to your WiFi running ESP-Link.